The Fog is Lifting

Submitted by Ashley F.

I feel like the last few months have been covered by a dense fog of uncertainty, change, and fear. It has left us all with a sense of panic and anxiousness at times, looking for the light.

However, I also feel that in this fog we have found the ability to survive. We were reminded of the importance of friendship and family. We learned new talents. We found an overwhelming sense of wanting to be better humans.

COVID-19 is a household word now.

Furlough, layoff, essential, and non-essential are new realities.

Masks and gloves have become a fashion statement as well as protection.

Things have shifted.

I have found hope in this fog by fighting my way through the fear, finding a new way of life.

I have found hope in a new awareness and strength that I didn't know I had before.

I look to hope that when this fog is gone, that it leaves me in a better place than it found me.

I believe the fog is lifting, and we are facing a new normal. Let us not face this with fear, but rather with peace; knowing we have, can, and will overcome what life throws our way. Let us be calm and stand tall as the fog goes away, for we are still here, and are stronger than we knew.

- Ashley F.


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